Donation from every book sold goes to save the whales!
I have pledged a donation of NZ$1 per book, which will be deducted automatically from the earnings.
This may not sound like a lot, but most of the recommended retail price of each book goes to pay printing costs and the retailer’s cut.
The donation actually represents 1/3 of my returns for each book! (1/2 for sales in New Zealand!)
Any remaining returns I receive go straight to paying off my costs. Additional publishing expenses mean I have had to incur significant debt to make this project happen – I need to sell over 2000 books just to break even!
Click here to see the cost breakdown per book sold.
Donation Conditions:
- Book must be bought at normal retail price through normal retail channels (including online sales) ie. excludes library borrowing, free review copies, second-hand sales, or sales from bulk discount stores.
- Donations will be made from all books sold in the first year following publication (hopefully longer if my production costs have been met by then!)
Donations will be made in lump sums as sales volumes permit.
Donations are planned to be made to the following organisations (funds permitting), listed in no particular order:
1. Greenpeace – in recognition of their efforts to document illegal whaling in the Southern Oceans | $170 Donated! More details… |
2. Sea Shepherd – in recognition of their efforts to intervene in illegal whaling | $170 Donated! More details… |
3. IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) – in recognition of their efforts to raise awareness, and to undertake research projects for marine mammal studies | $170 Donated! More details… |
Total Donations presented so far… | $510 |
Make an additional donation.
The whales need all the help they can get. If you wish to contribute further to see an end to whaling, it would be gratefully appreciated. Donations can be made sending a cheque to Koru Press at PO Box 51-287, Pakuranga, Auckland, New Zealand. You can specify whether you would like the donation to go to the current charity (see above), or to assist with the publishing expenses in producing books.